BritAcademy Afterschool

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We allow and encourage children in the afterschool program to join the other children in the interest centres activities – self awareness centre, drama centre, art centre, quiet centre, building centre – these activities are what we call unstructured play, designated to support intellectual and academic progress in other areas than those included in the standard school curriculum.

We are well aware of the gaps generated by the public education system inside the young minds of children.

BritAcademy is committed to provide the time, space and specialized support in order to help the little ones do their homework well and thorough.

This is such an important step in ensuring a child’s learning portfolio, a key pawn for whole life education. Our specialists will also carry out remedial learning activities to help children close gaps in formal learning and provide proper learning tools for the future.

The modern world we live in focuses more and more on the concept of life quality. A lot of people, including children, have access to unlimited information and facilities but find it harder to relax, enjoy life and feel happy.

Having this in mind, our afterschool program is tailored to encourage new skills such as business and entrepreneurship abilities, fostering children’s free will and initiative to improve their life quality. Children discover how to find happiness in the small joys of life, how to develop healthy social skills, feel confident and responsible and at the same time manage less pleasant phenomena associated to school such as bullying, addictions and violence.

Program și tarif afterschool

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Înscrierile se fac pe tot parcursul anului pe baza unui interviu cu familia şi copilul şi a unui dosar care va conţine: cerere de înscriere, copii dupa actele de identitate ale parinţilor şi certificatul de naştere al copilului, avizul epidemiologic de la medicul de familie.


  • 12.15 pm– 12.30pm – Lunch
  • 12.30 pm – 01.00pm – Free time. Construction games and socialising
  • 01.00 pm – 01.30pm – English. Phonics level 3 and Spelling
  • 01.30 pm – 02.00pm – Free time. Construction games and socialising
  • 02.00 pm – 02.30pm – Individual reading
  • 02.30 pm – 03.00pm – Story time. Listening comprehension
  • 03.00 pm – 04.00pm – Nature time/arts and crafts
  • 04.00 pm – Snack and games

Educational fee: 1800 lei