Medical Protocol

Protocol medical

La gradinita primim cu drag copii sanatosi. Copiii bolnavi au nevoie de consult medical, repaus si ingrijire din partea persoanelor dragi. Va rog sa aveti, deci, in vedere urmatorul protocol medical.

At BritAcademy we welcome healthy children. If your child is unwell, please take him/her to the doctor’s office, make sure he/she gets plenty of rest and is well taken care of by the dear ones. Please take notice of the BritAcademy medical protocol.

Nu vor fi primiti in colectivitate copiii cu urmatoarele simptome

Children who have the following symptoms will not attend the BritAcademy classes

  • Ochi rosii/ red eyes
  • Mucozitate vascoasa si colorata /thick and colored mucus
  • Temperatura / high temperature
  • Rosu in gat / sore throat
  • Varsaturi / nausea
  • Bubite de orice natura, cu exceptia afectiunilor despre care personalul medical al gradinitei a fost deja instiintat (ex. alergii preexistente) / rashes (except for the preexistent conditions of which the medical staff has already been warned)
  • Dureri abdominale /stomach aches
  • Dureri de urechi / ear pain
  • Scaun moale (diaree) / diarrhea

Va rugam sa aveti in vedere ca in eventualitatea in care copilul dumneavoastra prezinta unul dintre simptomele de mai sus veti fi chemat(a) sa il preluati. Va rog asigurati-va ca ajungeti cel tarziu la ora 13.

Please be aware that if your child has any of the above mentioned symptoms during the day, you are going to be called for early pick-up – please make sure you arrive no later than 1 o’clock.

De asemenea, nu vor fi primiti in colectivitate copiii care se afla inca sub tratament sau nu au avizul medicului (dupa o absenta mai mare de 12 zile).

Children who are still under treatment or don’t get clearance from the general practitioner after absences that last more than 12 days will not be allowed to attend BritAcademy classes.

Pe grupul de whatsapp Gradinita va anunta cazurile contagioase, diagnosticate de medic.

On the preschool whatsapp group are announced contagious cases, with a specialist diagnosis.