Why BritAcademy?

children playing together in the classroom in kindergarten
nursery children playing with teacher in the classroom
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At BritAcademy we have an excellent adult-child ratio of 1 adult to every 10 children. All-key-workers have completed training modules from Educare, our partner in the UK on: safeguarding in education, health and safety, anti-bullying, first aid, fire safety, sign of abuse (prevent and react)

Our key-workers are enthusiastic, imaginative and energetic, capable of gaining the full potential from each child, by:

  • developing and implementing lessons and work schemes, using the Early Years Foundation Stage as a framework
  • providing a safe and stimulating environment that facilitates learning
  • organising and supervising play and work activities (for example reading, cooking, music, dancing etc)
  • liaising with parents, carers and professionals such as speech therapists and health visitors
  • maintaining records
  • monitoring and recording progress
shot of a teacher singing with her preschool children


Children have an amazing ability of absorbing new information. But learning only takes place in a safe, stimulating and positive environment.In order to develop a stronger insight into the children’s prior knowledge, increase their self-questioning skills and value what they are interested in, we organise the learning environment in such a way that will provoke the children’s thinking, stimulate their sense of curiosity and develop their passion for learning.

Our mission is:

To develop an educational approach based on curiosity, creativity and passion for learning, that promotes academic excellence and builds positive relationships. 

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Our Values

We provide a stimulating environment

Our activities are child centered and help children reach their full potential, building on what children already know. We encourage their curiosity and we instill the pleasure for learning, we foster positive attitudes towards problem solving.

Emotional development

Helping children put a name on their emotions and efficiently and socially acceptable manage them is one of our top priorities. Children are observed while playing with colleagues and key workers pay attention to their preferences as well as the areas where the little ones need help. We teach children cooperation, partnership, empathy and diversity. We build their self-esteem and teach responsibility, as part as a member of the family and community.

Physical development and respect for nature

Children need to play outside in order to grow healthy and strong. Out in the fresh air children feel free to use their imagination and learn how to plant a tree or make a bird nest. Nature shares unlimited development and exploration opportunities, while feeding children’s curiosity. Playing outside they make friends, develop physical skills and strengthen the immune system.


The education process should be a partnership between parents and teachers, thus communication and transparency are essential. Relationships with parents are based on trust and mutual respect and also on the realistic communication of each other’s expectations.

Excellence in early education

We collaborate with professionals specializing in the early education of children and invest in continuous learning and training of our staff. We pride with a warm and motivating work environment.

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We enrol children all year round

Fees for academic year 2024-2025:

  • Short day: 2000 lei
  • Long day, clubs included: 2200 lei

Meals are not included in the educational fee.

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Daily schedule

  • 8.00- 9.00 – Open & Arrival
  • 9.30 – Breakfast
  • Children participate in quiet activities and eat breakfast. As children finish breakfast, they can visit interest centres until most children have arrived and are finished eating.
  • 10.00 – Carpet time. Children come together for the Morning Routine Activities as well as a featured whole-group activity
  • 10.30 –  Fruit snack
  • 10.45 – Learning Centers and Small-Group Activities
    Children choose from learning center activities in these learning centers: blocks, creative arts, dramatic play, library, math and manipulatives, science and sensory, and writing. This time often includes small-group activities.
  • 11.10 – Nature time Outdoor Play
    Children enjoy structured and unstructured play outdoors
  • 12.30- 13.00 – Lunch
  • 14.00- 16.00 – Rest Time and Quiet Work Time
    Most children nap or rest quietly. As children wake up, they can select from a variety of quiet activities, such as playing, drawing, writing, and looking at books
  • 16.30- 16.45 – Story time and snack
  • 16.45-17.30 – Centre time/Aikido/Drama*
  • 17.00-18.00 – Nature time

Grădinița Brit Academy este afiliată la rețeaua COBIS

 COMUNICAT DE PRESĂ Gradinita deschisa in Romania cu fonduri europene, afiliata la una din cele mai prestigioase retele educationale internationale București, 7 octombrie 2015 – Grădinița BritAcademy a fost afiliată la

School readiness

School readiness

„My child knows all the letters and numbers. Is he/she ready for school?” Instead of a „yes”or „no” answer, what we should be really looking at, are the following: 1.

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Early years matter!